学术报告:Pushing the Limit of Mobile Sensing: Smart Healthcare in the Age of AIoT
时间: 2024-06-17 发布者: 弋维君 文章来源: 对外合作办公室 审核人: 黄河 浏览次数: 10




Pushing the Limit of Mobile Sensing: Smart Healthcare in the Age of AIoT


       Sensing is an effective means to connect the physical world and digital space. Exploring the intelligent sensing capability has drawn researcher’s great attention. It is quite excited to see in recent years, besides wearable sensing, people have also begun to explore the acoustic, wireless signal, light, and other ambient communication medium’s capability for sensing purpose.

In this talk, I will introduce some of our work related to how to leverage the wearables and the communication medium's sensing capability to enable smart healthcare applications, especially focus on home care scenario.



       张黔博士是IEEE会士(IEEE Fellow和香港工程科学院院士HKAES。张博士曾获得麻省理工学院TR100(麻省理工科技评论)世界顶级青年创新者奖。她是何梁何利创新奖、中国青年科技奖、国家自然科学二等奖(第三贡献人)获得者。她在多个国际会议上获得最佳论文奖。

       张博士于2020年至2022担任IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing的主编Editor-in-Chief。她目前是IEEE Infocom指导委员会成员。